“The guitar is a small orchestra. Every string is a different color, a different voice”.   

Andrés Segovia

The Foundation

Fundación Guitarra XXI is a Chilean non-profit organization focused on the development of cultural and educational projects, with the purpose of bringing music and especially classical guitar to as many people as possible, regardless of their age, gender, race, economic or political position.

In this context, we are committed to spreading, encouraging and promoting de Latin American repertoire, both for professional musicians (i.e. performers and composers) and for those who love music but do not practice it as their main career.

Our professional team has wide experience and is deeply involved in the musical scene and the world of classical guitar. As part of our work, we perform educational concerts for students and the elderly, organize and produce tours, master classes, music workshops, competitions and academic courses. In addition, we provide professional advice and actively participate in the elaboration and design of policies in the fields of arts and culture.

Our Team

Nuestro Equipo

Nuestro equipo multidisciplinario está formado por profesionales con amplia trayectoria

en el área de la música y la gestión cultural.

Romilio Orellana Cruces

“Romilio Orellana is a poet of the guitar”

Alirio Díaz

Romilio Orellana Cruces is an acclaimed and renowned Chilean classical guitarist. He completed his musical studies with Professor Ernesto Quezada in the School of Arts of Universidad de Chile with the highest honors. He has also participated in seminars and master classes with lute players Hopkinson Smith and Eduardo Egüez, and the Belgian guitarist Raphaella Smits.

Mr. Orellana has obtained important awards in the most prestigious international guitar competitions, such as the First Prize in the International Guitar Competition “Alirio Díaz”, Venezuela; Special Mention in the International Competition “Agustín Barrios Mangoré”, Paraguay; First Prize in the International Competition “Liliana Pérez Corey”, Chile; and Second Prize in the prestigious “Francisco Tárrega” international competition, Spain, where he also obtained the award for the Best Performance of Francisco Tárrega’s Work.

As part of his professional career, he has performed in more than 40 countries in the most famous theaters in the world and has been a member of the jury in several international competitions and music festivals. Particularly noteworthy is his successful presentation in London at the world premiere of Liederkoncert, composed by Angelo Gilardino, which he performed together with the guitarist Sante Tursi and the English Chamber Orchestra, conducted by Robin O’Neill, at the Royal Festival Hall.

He has also been part of important Chilean artistic delegations, such as Lisbon Expo ‘98, Hannover International Fair, Guadalajara’s International Book Fair and the 50th Anniversary of the Coronation of the King of Thailand.

Romilio Orellana is currently professor and head of career in the Classical Guitar Department at the School of Arts of Universidad de Chile, as well as founder and chairman of the Board of Directors of Fundación Guitarra XXI.

Luis Orlandini Robert

“He casts a spell on the audience with the six strings of his guitar as if it were a complete orchestra”

Badisches Tagblatt, Alemania

Luis Orlandini Robert studied classical guitar at the School of Arts of Universidad de Chile with Professor Ernesto Quezada, from where he graduated with the highest honors. Later, as part of a postgraduate program, he studied with Professor Eliot Fisk at the School of Music in Cologne, Germany, taking in-depth courses at Mozarteum of Salzburgo, Austria.

Along his extensive career he has received several awards and recognitions, such as the First Award at the International Competition of Music in München, Germany; the Critics’ Award from the Círculo de Críticos de Arte de Chile; the Trajectory Award from the Sociedad Chilena del Derecho de Autor (SCD); the Domingo Santa Cruz Award from the Chilean Academy of Fine Arts; and the President of the Republic Award, given by the Government of Chile. He was also appointed as a Member of the Academy of Fine Arts of Instituto de Chile for his contribution to the culture of the country in Musical Arts.

Mr. Orlandini has performed with the most prestigious orchestras in concerts halls and theaters throughout South and North America, Europe and Asia. His recordings for international radios and record companies have been acclaimed by the critics and the audience.

Luis Orlandini is currently associate professor at the School of Arts of Universidad de Chile and Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, as well as member of the Board of Directors of Fundación Guitarra XXI.

Joaquín Herrera Guliaew

First Prize 2015

School of Law – Universidad Diego Portales

Joaquín Herrera Guliaew studied classical guitar at the School of Arts of Universidad de Chile from 2002 to 2007, period in which he stood out as one of the most noted students of his generation, participating in master classes with renowned artists such as Hopkinson Smith and Leo Brouwer.

Later, he studied law at Universidad Diego Portales, from which he graduated summa cum laude as the first student of his generation, receiving the Award for the Best Academic Performance.

Mr. Herrera has provided legal advice since 2014 as a corporate and civil lawyer, assisting national and international clients in the management of their local businesses and investments. At the same time, he has directed and produced several cultural and socio-political projects, integrating multiple teams and actively participating in the development of specialized media.

Joaquín Herrera, in addition to his legal career and his role as a producer, is a member of the Board of Directors of Fundación Guitarra XXI.


First Musical Composition Competition for Classical Guitar «Fundación Guitarra XXI»

• Attention everyone! The musical scores of the awarded works of our Composition Competition are now available, you can download them here.

The file includes the first and second prize as well as the audience award, here’s the detail:

1. Tres paisajes latinoamericanos – Hugo Muñoz Gómez (Chincol)

2. Río que se pierde en la tierra –  Guillermo Eisner (Pedro)

3. Dos aires trasandinos – Juan Gonzáles Cortés (Yoi)

Winners announcement

We want to thank all the participants of the First Musical Composition Competition for Classical Guitar «Fundación Guitarra XXI». We especially congratulate the winners:


  • Composer: Hugo Muñoz Gómez (Chincol)
  • Work: Tres Paisajes Latinoamericanos
  • Performed by: Romilio Orellana


  • Composer: Guillermo Eisner (Pedro)
  • Work: Río que se pierde en la Tierra
  • Performed by: Luis Orlandini


  • Composer: Juan Gonzalez Cortés (Yoi)
  • Work: Dos Aires Trasandinos
  • Performed by: Isabel Almeyda

Audience Award.

Voting begins! Until December 19th at 11:59 p.m, renditions of the 3 final works in competition will be available on the Foundation’s YouTube channel for the selection of the Audience Award. Remember that the competition is anonymous!

You can listen to the works and vote for your favorite here.

The performance of the final works was in charge of the outstanding national guitarist Isabel Almeyda together with Maestros Luis Orlandini and Romilio Orellana, who recorded the pieces live and without editing.

Award Ceremony Rescheduling.

Due to the presidential, parliamentary and CORE elections scheduled for November 21 in Chile, in order to ensure a correct development of the Composition Competition, it has been determined to postpone the Award Ceremony to December 20, 2021, date on which the results will be announced.

We have great news! The jury has chosen the three finalists of the First Musical Composition Competition for Classical Guitar «Fundación Guitarra XXI», which is sponsored by the SCD.

The selected works and their authors (pseudonyms) are the following:
  • 1. Dos aires trasandinos - Yoi
  • 2. Tres paisajes latinoamericanos - Chincol
  • 3. Río que se pierde en la tierra - Pedro

Congratulations to the finalists and all the other participants!!

You can download the minutes with the jury’s decision here (Spanish only)

Attention! The Q&A to the Terms and Conditions of the Competition are available here (Spanish Only).

Our Foundation is pleased to announce the First Musical Composition Competition for Classical Guitar «Fundación Guitarra XXI» (the «Competition»), whose objective is to promote the activity of composers in relation to classical guitar, contribute to the creation of a new repertoire and link it to the community.

To that end, we have designed an innovative modality that brings together composers, performers and the general public, giving the latter a significant role with the incorporation of an Audience Award. Likewise, we hope to contribute to concretize and disseminate the award-winning works by recording and premiering them by prominent national guitarists, such as Isabel Almeyda, Luis Orlandini and Romilio Orellana.

The 2021 edition of the Competition is aimed at works for solo classical guitar, that rescue the tradition and language of Latin American roots.

The jury will be made up of musicians with vast experience, whose involvement and contribution to classical guitar has been fundamental in Chile, namely, maestros Juan Antonio Sánchez, Javier Farías and Esteban Espinoza.

Contestant requirements

  • Being over 18 years old.
  • Being Chilean, with residence in Chile or abroad; or non-Chilean with certified residence in Chile for at least 5 years.
  • People who are currently providing direct services to Fundación Guitarra XXI or Sociedad Chilena de Autores e Intérpretes Musicales (SCD), as well as relatives of the jury, will not be able to participate in the Competition.

Works requirements

  • Be unpublished.
  • Have 1 single author and exclusive owner of rights
  • Have a total duration of no more than 10 minutes.


Applications to the Competition will be received only between July 1 and August 23, 2021, in the manner and place indicated in the Terms and Conditions. Applications submitted outside of that period or that do not meet the requirements indicated in the Terms and Conditions will not be accepted.

To apply, you must submit a sealed envelope using a pseudonym, entitled: "Application to the First Musical Composition Competition for Classical Guitar Fundación Guitarra XXI". Said envelope must contain the following:

  • 5 printed copies of the musical score of each work, duly titled and signed using a pseudonym.
  • 1 digital copy of the musical score of each work in PDF, duly titled and signed using a pseudonym. The digital copy can be provided on a USB flash drive, CD or DVD.
  • 1 additional sealed envelope which, in turn, will contain the following:

a) 1 document signed by the contestant, indicating her/his full name, nationality, identity card or passport number, date of birth, contact telephone number, social networks (if applicable), domicile and e-mail address.

b) Copy on both sides of the identity card or valid passport of the contestant.

c) Brief résumé of the contestant.

Please bear in mind that each contestant may submit a maximum of 3 works.

Awards and selection procedure

The jury will select 3 finalists, among which the First and Second Prize will be chosen. The 3 finalist pieces will be recorded by Isabel Almeyda, Luis Orlandini and Romilio Orellana, and broadcasted -using the contestant’s pseudonyms- through the Foundation’s digital channels for public voting. The most voted piece will receive the Audience Award.

The winning works and their respective authors will be publicly announced in an award ceremony, which will take place on December 20, 2021. At the same ceremony, the finalist pieces will be premiered live by the performers mentioned before.

The award-winning works will receive the following prizes:

First prize
i. Recording of the work in the terms indicated above.
ii. Live premiere of the work at the award ceremony.
iii. Diploma and CLP$400,000.

Second prize
i. Recording of the work in the terms indicated above.
ii. Live premiere of the work at the award ceremony.
iii. Diploma and CLP$300,000.

Audience Award
i. Recording of the work in the terms indicated above.
ii. Live premiere of the work at the award ceremony.
iii. Diploma and CLP$100,000.

Terms and conditions of the Competition and questions

Please review the Terms and Conditions of the Competition that are available here (Spanish Only), which are duly registered in the Notary Public of Santiago held by Mrs. María Soledad Santos. If you have any doubts regarding the Competition or its Terms and Conditions, do not hesitate to contact us at contacto@guitarraxxi.cl


Musical Appreciation Course “Charlas con Guitarra” + Concert

The online musical appreciation course “Charlas con Guitarra took place on May 28 and 29, with professors Luis Orlandini and Romilio Orellana in charge of each lecture. The course concluded on May 30, with a virtual live concert by the “Orellana & Orlandini” duo.

These interactive sessions were broadcast through the Foundation’s YouTube channel, for both professionals and amateurs. At the event, the audience was able to participate actively and ask questions in real time through a chat system.

The course addressed general aspects of the instrument and its history, the most emblematic pieces of the classical repertoire, noteworthy composers and performers, as well as the main aspects of Latin American musical and guitar identity. Finally, the attendants enjoyed a beautiful closing concert, which allowed them to appreciate this historical repertoire performed live by two maestros of the guitar.

Don’t miss future courses and activities organized by the Foundation!

On May 28 and 29 at 7:00 p.m. the online musical appreciation course «Charlas con Guitarra« will take place, with professors Luis Orlandini and Romilio Orellana in charge of each lecture*. The course will conclude on May 30 at the same time, with a virtual live concert by the “Orellana & Orlandini” duo.

These interactive sessions will be broadcast through the Foundation’s YouTube channel, for both professionals and amateurs. The idea is to allow the audience to participate actively and ask questions in real time through a chat system.

The course will address general aspects of the instrument and its history, the most emblematic pieces of the classical repertoire, noteworthy composers and performers, as well as the main aspects of Latin American musical and guitar identity.

The sessions will be carried out through an intimate dialogue with professors Orlandini and Orellana, who will also perform musical examples in a cozy environment, specially designed to stimulate the audience participation.

The complete course will have a registration fee of CLP$20,000, which allows you to attend the two virtual lectures as well as the online concert. Those interested in signing up shall make a deposit or wire transfer for said amount to the Foundation’s Bank account, and send the receipt with their full name and email address to contacto@guitarraxxi.cl Please do not forget to send the receipt with your contact information, as your registration will not be complete until then.

Wire transfers and deposits shall be made to the following bank account:

Fundación Guitarra XXI

Tax Payer No. 53.334.696-0

Bank Account No. 000079601721

Banco Santander

E-mail: contacto@guitarraxxi.cl

On the other hand, for those who choose to attend only the virtual concert, e-tickets can be purchased through https://www.passline.com for CLP$ 5,000, with several payment methods available. The funds raised by this course will be spent in the Foundation's activities and projects.

The invitation then, is to meet with these two Maestros to talk, listen and learn a little more about this mysterious box, as the great Paraguayan composer and guitarist Agustín Barrios Mangoré used to call it. Do not miss it!

*Please note that the course will be taught in Spanish.  


Dos Guitarras Dialogando

Dos Guitarras Dialogando is a project of educational concerts developed and sponsored by Fundación Guitarra XXI. The project has been made by specialized academics and educators, focusing on both young people and the elderly.

Our multidisciplinary team is made up of musicians and professionals with extensive experience and international recognition, who have successfully executed this project before thousands of young people and the elderly in recent years.

Dos Guitarras Dialogando consists in an educational concert of classical music for young students and/or the elderly, performed by the renowned Guitar Duo Orellana-Orlandini, who seeks to stimulate the development and musical knowledge of the audience through the interpretation of musical pieces from the classical repertoire, in a dynamic, playful and personalized approach.

The concert is dramatized by a couple of actors wearing costumes, who represent a theatrical script specially written for the Project, in an entertaining and didactic way.

The project also contemplates dialogues with the attendees and the possibility of incorporating youth and children’s orchestras, who will share the stage with the outstanding Guitar Duo Orellana-Orlandini.

To make the most of this experience, Dos Guitarras Dialogando considers previous workshops for the professional teams in charge, as well as interactive activities for the audience.

For additional information, please contact us at contacto@guitarraxxi.cl

Contact Us
If you want to have more information about us and our projects, contribute to the foundation or share your comments, please contact us through the following form or by writing to contacto@guitarraxxi.cl.
Follow us on social networks:

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    © FUNDACIÓN GUITARRA XXI   |   Av. Cristóbal Colón 4007, Las Condes, Santiago 

    Av. Cristóbal Colón 4007, Las Condes, Santiago